MiscMisc: Best Products

The Best USB-C Cables in 2023

Although choosing the best USB-C cable may seem like the easiest task possible, the fact is that improper choice of the cord may lead to serious damage of your USB hub or charger. Therefore, it is critical that you carefully approach this subject and if you are not familiar…
MiscMisc: Best Products

The Best Micro USB Cables in 2023

Having cables that are doing a fine data transfer job or offer efficient power charging is a necessity for most people. Although it might seem as that isn’t the case, situations where you face a faulty or broken cord show their true importance, and you quickly come to…
ComputingComputing: Best Products

The Best eGPUs in 2023

Although it may sound strange, owning a regular laptop and not a gaming one, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up on serious gaming. Now, thanks to external GPUs, you can enjoy the benefits of the desktop graphics on your notebook. eGPUs only require a Thunderbolt…