Computing: Guides - Techs Motion Thu, 20 Oct 2022 17:29:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mistakes When Buying a New PC Thu, 06 Oct 2022 17:33:47 +0000 With the festival time approaching, you may be considering purchasing a new system. Consider your wants and need and what is essential to you to guarantee that you are satisfied with your choice. It’s simple to go to Best Buy, Amazon, or any electronics retailer and get a system. The question is whether you purchase the right one for you or not. Users make many typical mistakes when buying a new PC, and it becomes a headache for them; therefore, you should avoid a few mistakes when purchasing a PC. In this post, we’ll go through some common mistakes when buying a new PC. Let’s get started! Buying the Cheapest Available Device The cheapest PC does not necessarily imply it...

The post Mistakes When Buying a New PC first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
mistakes when buying new pc
With the festival time approaching, you may be considering purchasing a new system. Consider your wants and need and what is essential to you to guarantee that you are satisfied with your choice.

It’s simple to go to Best Buy, Amazon, or any electronics retailer and get a system. The question is whether you purchase the right one for you or not.

Users make many typical mistakes when buying a new PC, and it becomes a headache for them; therefore, you should avoid a few mistakes when purchasing a PC.

In this post, we’ll go through some common mistakes when buying a new PC. Let’s get started!

Buying the Cheapest Available Device

The cheapest PC does not necessarily imply it will do the work you want or have all the qualities you want. Suppose you’re choosing between a quad-core and a dual-core CPU. You need to run many apps at the same time, but you choose the dual-core CPU since it is less costly.

You now own a system that isn’t as strong as your tasks require, and that issue will nag you until it’s time to purchase again.

Instead of going for the cheapest device, choose one that will genuinely meet your demands and then cross-reference it with your budget.

Focusing On One Number Only

This is the most basic mistake made by users. When discussing computers, a lot of numbers are thrown around. If you are just concerned with one number, you may overlook others that are equally essential.

Many customers, for example, are worried about purchasing an Intel Core i7 CPU over an i5, but it’s not that straightforward. It all gets down to, among other things, the number of processor cores and threads.

Define your requirements and compare how specific elements operate in comparison to the others.

Opting for the Highest Available Resolution

A portable gadget with an 4K display is undoubtedly worth more than a casual glance, but it’s not always the best option. The reason is that the smaller screens don’t allow you to fully appreciate the increased quality.

In addition, 4K displays might have a significant influence on your device’s battery life. Many 4K devices have poor endurance with higher resolution screens, and you won’t experience many advantages.

Unless you’re purchasing a high-end gaming PC or one with a large screen, you should usually go with 1080p to save money and battery life.

Not Reading Reviews

Because there are so many factors to consider when purchasing a system, reading reviews is very crucial. A beautiful PC or laptop may appear nice, but is it well-built? Does it excel in a variety of tasks? These are all critical issues that PC evaluations often look into.

Rather than trusting your intuition or the marketing copy on the website, read quite as many reviews as possible before making a decision.

You will discover any nasty surprises before giving over your money this way instead of knowing about them the hard way.

Not Testing It Out Before Purchasing

What if the keypad or mouse is unpleasant to use, the sound quality is poor, or the touchscreen is slow? Avoid this massive mistake.

Although if you decide to buy yours online, it is still recommended that you visit your local store and test out that exact model. Examine how it looks, how this listens to music, and, most importantly, whether you have any doubts about it. If something doesn’t feel right, ignore it.

You should look for features of the PC you want to buy and any problems there with the PC. After all, through the checking process, you can buy the PC if it is compatible with your requirements.

Buying the Correct RAM

Buying more RAM over your CPU and system support is an expensive mistake. Furthermore, do not purchase more RAM than the other parts can handle.

For instance, if you purchase RAM that works at 3600MHz, but your motherboard only allows 1600MHz, the RAM will only run at 1600MHz, losing its complete capacity.

Focusing Too Much on Storage Space

The majority of the industry has embraced SSD storage. It’s crucial to remember that SSDs are far quicker than spinning hard drives and may make a significant difference in how quickly your system boots and how snappy and responsive it feels. However, a lesser capacity SSD is nearly always preferable.

If you need extra storage space, external hard drives are plentiful, and there are several great cloud storage solutions for storing films, images, and music. When paired with an external hard drive or cloud storage, a 128GB or 256GB SSD should be plenty for most individuals.

PC Is Future-Proof

The finest aspect of owning a PC is the user’s ability to update over time and stay up to date with the current standards.

So, before purchasing the PC, make sure that there are numerous RAM slots, that the PSU is powerful enough to support a more powerful GPU, and that the motherboard has extra storage spaces.

Also, get components that support the most recent technology, such as PCIe 5.0, DDR5, and next-generation hardware, to ensure that the system lasts as long as possible before requiring a total overhaul. You should not purchase an outdated PC that cannot run the most recent applications.


Laptops, in particular, are vulnerable to theft and damage. Getting the correct warranty from the start will help you reduce downtime if something goes wrong with your computer.

One of the reasons customers like Dell devices is their excellent warranties. Many of them come with a one-year guarantee, but you can generally purchase an extended warranty for a fee.


Your tastes, specs requirements and even aesthetic preferences will decide which PC is perfect for you. Of course, you’ll want to make an informed decision, so read reviews, conduct research, and compare any data before purchasing.

By following these easy guidelines, you may avoid making some frequent computer-buying blunders. Do your analysis ahead of time and examine pricing and qualities, and never spend more money than you can afford.

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HDMI 2.0 vs HDMI 2.1 Mon, 29 Aug 2022 17:25:39 +0000 For more than a decade, the basic HDMI cable has been one of the most common solutions for connecting various devices. However, it hasn’t witnessed tremendous jumps in performance in that period, at least not in a single generation. This was changed with the introduction of HDMI 2.1, which saw HDMI technology undergo its most dramatic advancement to date, nearly doubling bandwidth and significantly broadening support for all types of visual devices. That doesn’t imply your present HDMI connections, which are essentially obsolete, so you should update to HDMI 2.0 or 2.1. However, in a duel of HDMI 2.1 vs. 2.0, it’s not much of a match. Let us begin this post by defining the terms HDMI, HDMI 2.0 and...

The post HDMI 2.0 vs HDMI 2.1 first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
hdmi 2 0 vs hdmi 2 1
For more than a decade, the basic HDMI cable has been one of the most common solutions for connecting various devices. However, it hasn’t witnessed tremendous jumps in performance in that period, at least not in a single generation.

This was changed with the introduction of HDMI 2.1, which saw HDMI technology undergo its most dramatic advancement to date, nearly doubling bandwidth and significantly broadening support for all types of visual devices.

That doesn’t imply your present HDMI connections, which are essentially obsolete, so you should update to HDMI 2.0 or 2.1. However, in a duel of HDMI 2.1 vs. 2.0, it’s not much of a match.

Let us begin this post by defining the terms HDMI, HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1. Then, we will compare HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 with the help of different features like bandwidth, video resolution, audio, refresh rate and gaming. Read on to find out!

What is HDMI?

HDMI is an abbreviation for High-Definition Multimedia Interface. It is a multimedia connectivity standard used to transport media from a source (such as a DVD player) to a screen. Since it can carry high video and audio via cable, the innovation outperforms prior standards.

HDMI was initially launched in 2002, and the most recent HDMI specification, HDMI 2.1, was issued in 2017. Nevertheless, the most prevalent specification is HDMI 2.0, which was launched in 2013.

As reported by the HDMI Forum, the technology is now used by over 8 billion gadgets. This is the body in charge of establishing new HDMI specifications and enhancing HDMI technology.

What is HDMI 2.0?

In multimedia applications, the capacity to transfer data faster from one system to the next is crucial. The connectivity between a gaming service and the screen has a significant impact on picture quality and lag times.

HDMI 2.0 cables were introduced in 2013 to accommodate new technologies. Greater television displays having HD capabilities were desired by consumers. Gaming platform advancements have also raised the demand for speedier data transport. The possible bandwidth throughput of the new HDMI technology has been boosted to 18Gbps.

What is HDMI 2.1?

HDMI 2.1 is the latest edition of the HDMI standard, and it applies to both HDMI ports and HDMI cables.

Some televisions, for example, are beginning to include HDMI 2.1-compliant connectors and ultra-high speed. The Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 also include HDMI 2.1.

The new HDMI interface will enable greater efficiency aims than the existing HDMI 2.0 interface (or 2.0b, to be more specific). In other terms, the interesting features of tomorrow, such as 120fps at 4K resolution, will depend on HDMI 2.1.

HDMI 2.0 vs HDMI 2.1

Although there may not appear to be much of a difference between HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1, this new technology introduces several important modifications to the audio/video interface. We’ve described both to help you determine whether changing your HDMI cables to the latest standard is worthwhile.


HDMI 2.0 improved color spectrum support, increased transmission and transfer speeds by more than 50% and doubled audio channel support. However, HDMI 2.1 flipped the protocol on its head.

HDMI 2.1 has the highest transmission data speed of 48 Gbps, as opposed to HDMI 2.0’s 18 Gbps. On peak effective data rate, HDMI 2.1 cables outperform HDMI 2.0 cables by up to 42.6 Gbps, whereas HDMI 2.0 only accomplishes 14.4 Gbps.

With all of that extra bandwidth, the HDMI standard can now support greater graphics and refresh rates compared to ever before, enabling it to be a legitimate rival to the high-end DisplayPort format.

Video Resolution

HDMI 2.1 can offer video resolutions of up to 10K or 8K uncompressed, but HDMI 2.0 can only enable 4K.

When you use an HDMI 2.1 connection, you will be capable of seeing even more detail, and pictures will be clearer, but only when the TV, audio, and video player are all suitable with greater resolution.

However, an HDMI 2.0 connection can only display 4K material at 60 frames per second, which is insufficient for some programs. If you have a 4K TV, you may still prefer to use an HDMI 2.1 cable.


Both HDMI 2.1 and HDMI 2.0 have an audio return channel (ARC) capability, which allows a single connection to transmit and receive audio data from the TV to a speaker or AV receiver.

HDMI 2.1, on the other hand, enables an enhanced audio return channel (eARC).

You can hear surround quality audio with ARC. However, it will be compressed. eARC, in contrast, side, has a larger bandwidth capacity and so enables uncompressed surround sound, such as DTS Master, Dolby TrueHD, DTS:X, and Dolby Atmos 3D sound system.

Refresh Rate

HDMI 2.1 can offer frame rates of up to 8K at 60 Hz or 4K at 120 Hz, but HDMI 2.0 can only support 4K at 60 Hz. The refresh rate of a display is the number of times the image is refreshed each second. A faster refresh rate contributes to smoother movements overall, particularly during gaming.

Your refresh rate should ideally be the same or greater than the frame rate of your video. Otherwise, you may notice image distortion and blurriness. HDMI 2.0 enables 1080p at 240 Hz and 1440p at 144 Hz, making it suitable for movies and gaming.

If you are using an 8K or 4K monitor or want the most performance from your gaming machine, you should invest in an HDMI 2.1 cable.


Gaming experience shows one of the most prominent differences between HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1.

Only HDMI 2.1 supports advanced capabilities such as variable refresh rate (VRR) to eliminate screen tearing and auto low latency mode (ALLM) to reduce lag.

VRR is incorporated into HDMI 2.1, allowing the refresh rate of the screen to match the refresh rate of your gameplay in true. Without such functionality, your display will occasionally attempt to present information from two frames at the same time. This results in screen tearing.


Unless you have a TV with HDMI 2.1-compliant ports, you generally don’t need to purchase new cables because your TV lacks the inputs needed to use those HDMI connections in the first place.

HDMI 2.1 is intended to change the way we view and consume content, whether it’s games, movies, or TV shows. Considering this, most tech users do not need to be concerned about HDMI 2.1 just yet.

All HDMI cables appear to be the same. So, if you’d like to get an HDMI 2.1 cable, search for the designation “Ultra-High-Speed HDMI.” An HDMI 2.0 cable on the contrast side will be designated as “Premium High Speed.”

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Which Old Components Can You Reuse When Building a New PC? Mon, 25 Jul 2022 20:16:24 +0000 One of the most significant advantages of building a new PC is to be able to select your own components. This helps to improve the effectiveness of your cash when contrasted to buying a typical pre-built system, which is usually overpriced. New computer users don’t really know much about the components and are easily seduced by smart advertising and awesome-looking PCs. Repurposing outdated components from a prior PC that you or a family person no longer requires is a simple approach to saving money on developing a new PC. But what pieces from an old PC can you utilize in your new build? This post will discuss different old components of a PC which can be reused when you are...

The post Which Old Components Can You Reuse When Building a New PC? first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
which old components can you reuse
One of the most significant advantages of building a new PC is to be able to select your own components. This helps to improve the effectiveness of your cash when contrasted to buying a typical pre-built system, which is usually overpriced.

New computer users don’t really know much about the components and are easily seduced by smart advertising and awesome-looking PCs. Repurposing outdated components from a prior PC that you or a family person no longer requires is a simple approach to saving money on developing a new PC. But what pieces from an old PC can you utilize in your new build?

This post will discuss different old components of a PC which can be reused when you are building a new PC so you can avoid common PC building mistakes. Read on to find out!

Do You Really Require All-New Components?

Whenever it comes to a fresh PC, many people imagine new components, and for valid reasons. Any user in a new PC would like a system that performs better than the one they used to have before.

That doesn’t imply that certain units can’t be removed from your old PC to be used again in a new one. Let’s go over the primary PC components in order to check their potential reusability.

Keep Your Peripherals

If you are constructing a new PC, preserving your old gadgets can save you money. Your monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, camera, earphones, and all other gadgets fall under this category.

Power Supply

PC power supplies are classified into three types:

  • Robust units which appear to last a lifetime.
  • Mystery PSUs in pre-built PCs.
  • Lemons that survive two years or less.

You can probably predict which side you belong to if you have had a good power supply for more than two years.

Under some conditions, power supplies are well worth holding. The very first question is if they are still covered under warranty.
The second point to consider is power. Do you have an old power supply with enough watts to power your more sophisticated system? If otherwise, it’s time to make a change.

Another consideration for power supply units is whether they are modular, semi-modular, or non-modular. Consider switching if you have a non-modular.

The Box and Fans

The casing or box is the easiest and safest to retain all the parts you may reuse from a prior PC. There is no reason to replace a high-quality model that is still in good condition.

However, if you still have an outdated case, it is a smart option to replace it. If you preserve the original casing, you may keep the fans as well, given that they are still functional. Just make sure you thoroughly clean them.

Even if you don’t want to use the old case, check to see if the existing fans will fit the new one. The size of the fans it accepts is specified in the box manual. However, if the PC fan makes noises, it is time to replace it.

Graphics Card

One of the simplest parts to assess is the graphics card. If you simply want to enjoy your existing games, and they run very well and smoothly enough, you might want to use your graphics card on a new PC.

Look out for the minimum requirements for the new games if you want to experience the newest titles as well as those that will be published in the future. You’ll soon see how long you have until you need to update your graphics card.

It’s time to upgrade when the minimal requirements for AAA games surpass the capability of the GPU. As a result, you must select a suitable graphics card based on your system settings.

Using your old card applies only to individuals who are ready to tolerate 30 to 60 frames a second at 1080p. A new graphics card is required if you really want upwards of 60 frames per second or a better resolution and ray tracing.


Because RAM is such a robust component, it is feasible to reuse it. RAM types do not evolve as frequently as CPU and GPU versions. If you decide to keep the RAM, ensure certain that it is suitable for your motherboard by checking its health and compatibility. For instance, DDR3 RAM will very certainly not operate with a DDR4 motherboard.

Optical Drive

Although not used as often anymore, certain users still like having an optical drive, mostly in the form of Blu-Ray disks now.

If you already have these from a prior system hanging somewhere, unless it’s excessively loud or acting up, there’s no sense not to use them in your new PC.


Storage drives can be reused. They are, in many respects, the easiest parts to move between machines. Many new users wonder about the total storage they will need.

If your hard disks and SSDs are still in good working order, they may be possibilities for reuse.

It is critical to check if the hard drive is about to fail or die before using them on a new PC. There are multiple ways to check a failing hard drive.

Another important guideline is to change your drive every few years. If you are willing to take the risk and utilize an older disc, make assured you have a robust backup strategy in place to secure your data in the event of a disaster. You can use an external hard drive to backup all your important data, so even if the old drive crashes, your data will remain unharmed.

CPU Coolers

CPU coolers are usually really expensive, making them naturally hard to replace over and over again. So, if your old coolers are in good working condition, it is a good idea to use them on a new PC.

However, you must ensure that it is suitable and sufficient to cool your new PC and its components.

Lastly, it is essential to ensure that these coolers fit into the slot on the motherboard of your new PC. If they don’t fit in, it’s time to buy a new one that does.


Several PC components should be considered for reuse in a fresh arrangement. When reusing these elements, keep in mind the difference between an update and designing a whole new system.

Simple updates to an existing setup are perfectly acceptable. Nevertheless, if you end up using too many old parts, you may not achieve the desired efficiency gain.

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NVIDIA DLSS. Everything You Need to Know Thu, 14 Apr 2022 17:15:22 +0000 The gaming world is advancing fast with new video games that are becoming significantly more visually detailed and complicated than they have ever been. New rendering technologies such as ray-tracing, which produce real-time reflections, lights, and shadows that are considerably more real than just what we’re conditioned to accept in games, have helped in these giant strides by tech companies such as NVIDIA. You may not realize that NVIDIA’s features include another one called Deep Learning Super Sampling, or NVIDIA DLSS, which is even more game-changing. Everything you need to know about NVIDIA DLSS, including how it works and what it can do for your PC games, is right here. Let’s get started! What is NVIDIA DLSS? DLSS is a...

The post NVIDIA DLSS. Everything You Need to Know first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
what is nvidia dlss
The gaming world is advancing fast with new video games that are becoming significantly more visually detailed and complicated than they have ever been.

New rendering technologies such as ray-tracing, which produce real-time reflections, lights, and shadows that are considerably more real than just what we’re conditioned to accept in games, have helped in these giant strides by tech companies such as NVIDIA.

You may not realize that NVIDIA’s features include another one called Deep Learning Super Sampling, or NVIDIA DLSS, which is even more game-changing.

Everything you need to know about NVIDIA DLSS, including how it works and what it can do for your PC games, is right here. Let’s get started!


DLSS is a video rendering technology featured by NVIDIA that aims to increase framerates and video quality by drawing frames at a lower resolution than projected.

It utilizes element deep learning (a sort of artificial intelligence) to elevate the frames to seem as crisp as anticipated at the native resolution. For instance, with DLSS, a game’s frames might be produced at 1080p resolution, allowing for greater framerates, then upscaled and delivered at 4K resolution, resulting in crisper visual quality than 1080p.

nvidia dlss on
Image Source: NVIDIA

NVIDIA DLSS is an alternative to other rendering approaches that need an RTX graphics card and game support, such as temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), a post-processing algorithm. DLSS is mainly beneficial to games that operate at lower frame rates or at higher resolutions.

AI rendering on dedicated Tensor Cores provides exceptional performance, allowing you to increase frame rates and maximum graphical settings and resolutions up to 8K.

Here you can see the graph showing the gaming performance with RTX 3080 at 3840 x 2160, Max Graphics settings, DLSS Performance Mode, and Ray Tracing enabled.

nvidia dlss on 2
Image Source: NVIDIA

DLSS is available in a variety of tastes. However, depending on how DLSS is implemented, this will vary between games. To achieve the greatest outcome, it’s always worth experimenting with different combinations of DLSS and other graphics parameters.

How does the NVIDIA DLSS Work?

NVIDIA’s DLSS instructs a specialized section of your RTX graphics card (20-series and higher) to process a picture and scale it up to your desired resolution. For example, a video game is rendered at a lower resolution (usually 1440p) and then employs its AI algorithm to guess what it would look like if it were rendered at a higher resolution (typically 4K).

This is accomplished through the use of anti-aliasing effects and automatic sharpening. Visual artifacts that would not be seen at higher resolutions are also removed, and the features that should be there in a picture are inferred.

In this way, DLSS relieves your graphic card and CPU of the burden of producing a high-resolution visual with features like ray-tracing enabled. By utilizing DLSS, you may potentially increase all of your graphics settings to their utmost without sacrificing performance.

Many gamers like using super-resolution tools and taking in artifacts. It does, however, allow for the development of a whole image while simultaneously acknowledging that there are several flaws and improvements in the form and aesthetic of that image.

The aforementioned system does not represent a significant advancement. NVIDIA promises that DLSS will improve in the months and years ahead. Still, in the right situations, it may provide a significant performance boost without making the game unplayable.

How to Enable NVIDIA DLSS?

It’s simple to enable NVIDIA DLSS in a game that supports it. Simply launch your game of choice, go to the options menu, and select the graphics settings, assuming your NVIDIA drivers are up to date in GeForce Experience. It’s sometimes referred to as video settings.

After this, you may choose between DLSS and RTX. In this case, select DLSS if the game supports it and your GPU is a GeForce RTX 20 or GeForce RTX 30 or higher from NVIDIA.

The DLSS setting may be found in the Graphics tab of the in-game settings in a game like Escape from Tarkov.

nvidia dlss settings in tarkov
Image Source: Devon Ledohowski

Jumping into NVIDIA GeForce Experience is the other way to test if your machine and game can run DLSS. Once you are in, go to the top-left corner of the app, and select the Home tab. Then look for Escape from Tarkov (or any other game) in the Games & Apps section. There’s a selection of several graphics options when you click on the game.

nvidia dlss settings in tarkov 2
Image Source: Devon Ledohowski

You may pick between Optimize and a small settings tool symbol from the top right corner. You may move a scale between performance and quality if you pick the tool. Experimenting around with these parameters, as well as DLSS, will have an effect on what your graphic card settings do.

NVIDIA DLSS Available in Over 150 Games

NVIDIA DLSS is not supported by all games! Only 150 games as of Feb 2022 support it. However, its inclusion in many of these games improves performance and graphic quality significantly, especially when DLSS 2.0 or newer is used.

Enabling ray-tracing in compatible games even helps alleviate some of the speed loss. The best DLSS implementations we’ve seen so far are found in the following games (among others):

  • Martha Is Dead
  • Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis
  • Death Stranding
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Control
  • SCP: Pandemic
  • Shadow Warrior 3
  • Sifu

Valve Corporation is slowly but steadily enhancing the quality of Linux gaming, years after its disastrous Steam Machines by bringing NVIDIA DLSS to Linux.

The planned Steam Deck portable is based on Linux, and its ProtonDB compatibility layer allows it — and other PCs — to play Windows games.

Valve has now officially integrated support for NVIDIA’s DLSS machine learning temporal upscaling algorithm to ProtonDB, which might result in significant FPS gains and less flicker in videogames that support it.

DLSS Gets Better Over Time

NVIDIA DLSS has the potential to facilitate players who are unable to achieve acceptable frame rates at resolutions higher than 1080p to do so using inference.

DLSS might become the most important feature of NVIDIA’s RTX GPUs in the future. They aren’t quite as strong as we had anticipated, and the ray-tracing effects are nice but have a significant performance impact, but DLSS provides us the best of all worlds: better-looking video games that also perform much better than before.

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Can You Use Flash Drives as RAM? Sun, 13 Mar 2022 18:34:08 +0000 If you notice that your computer or laptop is slowing down when you are working on digital art or playing a high graphics game, you should look to upgrade the RAM of your machine to enhance the performance. RAM is a device’s second engine. Higher the RAM, the higher its performance. This is extremely important for users who want to play games with high graphics or execute high-end tasks like editing videos or images. However, RAM is a costly component of a PC or a laptop, and high-performance RAM with the latest tech will set you back several dollars. But did you realize there’s a clever method to save this cost by just utilizing a USB drive as RAM on...

The post Can You Use Flash Drives as RAM? first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
how to use flash drives as ram
If you notice that your computer or laptop is slowing down when you are working on digital art or playing a high graphics game, you should look to upgrade the RAM of your machine to enhance the performance.

RAM is a device’s second engine. Higher the RAM, the higher its performance. This is extremely important for users who want to play games with high graphics or execute high-end tasks like editing videos or images.

However, RAM is a costly component of a PC or a laptop, and high-performance RAM with the latest tech will set you back several dollars. But did you realize there’s a clever method to save this cost by just utilizing a USB drive as RAM on a Windows laptop or PC?

The tech world is moving forward fast with innovations. You can keep up by following the methods in this article to use a USB flash drive as RAM.

How to use a USB drive as RAM

It is simple to use a USB flash drive as RAM; all you need is a USB flash drive, and the crucial thing to remember is that a single file larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32-formatted USB device. If you want to save data larger than 4GB on this USB flash drive, you must format it using the NTFS file system.

In this next section, we will look at two ways to use a USB device as RAM. Adhere to the standards listed below.

Virtual RAM Method

The first method is the Virtual RAM method. Virtual RAM, often known as virtual memory, is a built-in feature of the Windows PC. To begin, perform the instructions below:

  • Plug your USB flash drive into any available USB port.
  • After that, Right-click on the My Computer or This PC icon (depending on the OS).
  • Then, choose Properties from the drop-down menu.
  • Next, From the left side of the Properties box, select Advanced system settings as shown in the image below.
    advanced system settings
  • At the top of the System Properties window, select the Advanced option.
  • Underneath the Performance tab, click the Settings option.
  • At the Performance Options box, select the Advanced option once more.
    system properties performance settings
  • Under the Virtual memory area, click the Change button.
  • Then, Uncheck Manage the paging file size for all drives probably automatically, and then pick your USB stick from the device list displayed.
  • Under the Custom Size option, enter the value in MB. This number must be at least 200 MB smaller than the value displayed against available space.
    custom size
  • Finally, restart your computer or laptop. You will notice the effects of more RAM in demanding tasks.

Ready Boost Method

The second method is the ready boost method to use a USB flash drive as RAM. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Format the USB Flash Drive

  • Attach the USB flash drive to your system.
  • Launch the File Explorer program on your PC.
  • Next, here on the left-hand side of the File Explorer window, click on “This PC.”
  • Then, right-click on the USB drive and choose Properties. Then, select “Format” to begin formatting the drive.
  • When the Format box displays, select the File system option.
  • Then, click “Start” to begin the formatting process. The formatting procedure will take some time to complete.
  • Once formatted, proceed to the Step 2 given below:

Step 2: Use ReadyBoost to increase the RAM

After formatting your USB drive, it’s time to ready boost your USB flash drive. Follow the below steps to do it.

  • To begin, press the Windows key and E key at the same time.
  • Next, to see all of your laptop’s discs, click on “This PC.”
  • When you find your USB device, right-click it and select “Properties.”
  • Just go to the “ReadyBoost” option in the Properties box.
  • Choose the “Use this device” option.
    readyboost use this device
  • You can now tweak the slider to increase or reduce the quantity of RAM (For example– the maximum limit for this computer is 4094 MB).
  • To save the changes, click “Apply” and then “OK.” And restart your PC.

That’s all there is to it! You’ve successfully upgraded the RAM on your laptop or PC. This will significantly accelerate the system and boost its performance.

Disconnect your USB Flash Drive

Remove the USB flash drive only after you’ve removed the Ready Boost settings. Because if you remove your USB drive and your system shuts down directly, it can corrupt your Windows because there are cache files in the flash drive, so do not eject the flash drive directly.

If you want not to use the flash drive as extra RAM, perform the following methods to eject your USB drive safely.

  • Launch File Explorer & navigate to “This PC.”
  • Then right-click on the flash drive.
  • Then, select “Properties.”
  • Then, select the “ReadyBoost” tab.
  • You must choose “Do not use this device” here, and ReadyBoost will not utilize this device.
  • To save these updated modifications, click “Apply” and then “OK.”
  • You can now remove the USB from your laptop or PC and use it as a standard drive on other PCs.


Generally, using a USB flash drive as RAM on Windows is simple. However, you must disconnect your flash drive carefully, or the device may be damaged. Create a system restore point from a safety standpoint as well.

Remember that you can only use a USB drive as RAM in Hard Disk Drive (HDD). If the above steps are not working in your system, then you have a Solid-State Drive (SSD) in your PC or Laptop, or you may have no more RAM capacity in your system.

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Do you Need a Trackball Mouse? Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:30:41 +0000 A great number of computer users are content with traditional mice, but a small handful enjoys trackballs. Though a standard mouse is much more comfortable to use and provides higher accuracy & control, a trackball gives extra efficiency and accessibility. There are several valid reasons for this affection! If you’re curious to know if you want a trackball mouse, here is why it’s the best tool for you. Who is a Trackball Mouse Ideal For? A trackball mouse is perfect not just for professional workers sitting in front of a computer for long periods and general consumers who want a more relaxed alternative, but also for individuals who have mobility or skill challenges gripping and using a mouse. Trackballs provide...

The post Do you Need a Trackball Mouse? first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
do you need a trackball mouse
A great number of computer users are content with traditional mice, but a small handful enjoys trackballs.

Though a standard mouse is much more comfortable to use and provides higher accuracy & control, a trackball gives extra efficiency and accessibility.

There are several valid reasons for this affection! If you’re curious to know if you want a trackball mouse, here is why it’s the best tool for you.

Who is a Trackball Mouse Ideal For?

A trackball mouse is perfect not just for professional workers sitting in front of a computer for long periods and general consumers who want a more relaxed alternative, but also for individuals who have mobility or skill challenges gripping and using a mouse.

Trackballs provide enhanced availability and ease of use for such people who may have difficulty handling and using a mouse in a conventional manner.

Because a trackball is a fixed peripheral, it can aid by enabling you to spin the ball and click keys in whatever way you feel fits. All you want to do is choose a form and size that works for you.

Now, we move on to the reasons to buy a trackball mouse. Let’s find out!

Design and Build Quality

Ordinary mice exist in a variety of styles but always have the same fundamental layout: right-click, middle-click/scroll wheel, and left-click. Some may add extra buttons, although they seldom deviate from the standard three-button configuration.

However, Trackball mice are available in several different layouts depending on the size and position of the trackball.

Trackballs that move with your thumb typically have a more traditional layout of left, middle, and right clicks. Trackballs with a bigger, finger-operated core ball are more inventive in their designs. Some even employ a scroll ring instead of a clickable wheel.

Trackballs rely on several ball bearings beneath the globe to ensure the ball moves smoothly and effortlessly. These bearings might become dusty or gunked up over time and may need to be cleaned with a Q-tip.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Due to long hours of sitting each day, the discourse regarding good ergonomics in the workplace has expanded in recent years.

Although standing up is good for your health, using more ergonomic input gadgets can help you avoid repetitive strain injury (RSI). These problems are generated by stressing your muscles in almost a similar way over and over again.

Because of the trackball’s secure location, trackball mice might be a godsend for professionals suffering from wrist-based RSI.

Whereas a standard mouse requires you to rotate your arm and wrist, a trackball merely requires you to move your fingers. Your wrist will be at a healthy angle if you utilize a wrist-rest on your trackball. This relieves it of the strain caused by swiping your mouse around.


It may take some time to get used to using a trackball. However, after a week or so of getting used to it, your cursor’s accuracy can improve significantly.

That’s also especially important for small, precise control that trackballs are more responsive to. Trackballs also make it much easier to whip the cursor from one side of the working space to another.


A mouse is among the few PC parts that still have spinning parts, and these parts wear down and break over time. Inexpensive mice fail the most rapidly, but high-quality mice also age out.

Because trackball mice are immobile, they are not subjected to the stress of violent situations or falls. A trackball may outlive a high-quality office chair if the buttons are kept in good condition. A well-cared-for mouse may live just as long, although they appear to break down a bit more often compared to trackball mice.

Great Alternative to the Travel Mouse

Travel mice are useful, but they need enough space to move around. Trackballs are ideal for accurate work, even when traveling. As such, it might be better for people short on space (such as those who use a lot of tiny motel room desks).


Essentially, if you suffer wrist or forearm pain from using a mouse or touchpad, it is strongly recommended to check out a trackball mouse. The ergonomics are a significant advantage of utilizing this as your primary cursor control.

The trackball is a strong, classic option, even though it is misinterpreted and underestimated. The trackball is a smart alternative for experts and regular users, with a broad range of styles and advantages extending from ergonomics & RSI avoidance to speed and accessibility.

Of course, it goes without saying that gamers have no need for a trackball mouse and should stick to what they are using right now.

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Why You May Want to Use Multiple Mice and Keyboards? Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:09:12 +0000 Almost every system in the world has a mouse and keyboard attached to it. Although it’s common to get one of both, there are times when you’ll like to link two keyboards or two mice to one PC. Some PC users prefer to use a separate wireless mouse to handle a multimedia PC. Others may be like to keep one arm on an additional keyboard for fast access to commands. Whichever your reason, this post will explain to you the benefits of utilizing several mouses and keyboards, as well as how to install them. How to Install Multiple Mice and Keyboards? Having multiple mice and keyboards is a configuration with several fascinating applications. After attaching numerous peripherals to your PC,...

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multiple mice and keyboards
Almost every system in the world has a mouse and keyboard attached to it. Although it’s common to get one of both, there are times when you’ll like to link two keyboards or two mice to one PC.

Some PC users prefer to use a separate wireless mouse to handle a multimedia PC. Others may be like to keep one arm on an additional keyboard for fast access to commands.

Whichever your reason, this post will explain to you the benefits of utilizing several mouses and keyboards, as well as how to install them.

How to Install Multiple Mice and Keyboards?

Having multiple mice and keyboards is a configuration with several fascinating applications. After attaching numerous peripherals to your PC, there are multiple ways you can use to set them up.

The Basic Way: Connect Both Keyboards or Mice Directly

Simply connect your additional mouse or keyboard through Bluetooth or put it into a USB port. When Windows has finished installing the appropriate drivers, you may type with either keyboard and control the cursor with both mice.

To view anything you presently have connected:

  • Step 1: Go to Settings
  • Step 2: Click on Devices
    windows devices
  • Step 3: Click on Bluetooth & other devices.
    windows bluetooth and other devices

You may fine-tune how your mouse functions underneath the Mouse, keyboard & pen option. However, these choices will apply to all linked mice. Based on how varied your mice are, one may feel too sensitive or underly sensitive, so make adjustments accordingly.

Unifying Receiver

A unifying receiver is included with modern Logitech mice and keyboards. This little dongle connects up to six Logitech gadgets to your PC through a USB connection. As a result, if you wish to utilize numerous Logitech keyboards or mice, you may save a few USB ports.

Work Simultaneously on Multiple Monitors

Suppose you have numerous displays and separate apps operating over each. In that case, you may set two (or even more) keyboard/mouse pairs to simply transition between the display and task.

Many software can assist Windows in distinguishing between several mice and keyboards, permitting you to utilize several cursors and enter information at the same time.

Pluralinput is one such piece of open-source that performs a good job at multitasking. Because it is in beta, you may encounter some issues. These are the steps involved to set it up:

  • Install and run Pluralinput, then select “Set up a new device option” from the left menu.
  • A list of all linked keyboards and mice will be shown. Simply tick the box next to each mouse or keyboard you wish to be used as Pluralinput and then click the “Apply changes to devices” button.
  • The application will install new drivers and display a new configurable cursor (orange by default). This cursor, however, will have limited control. It can only be used within apps like Word, Notepad, browsers, and others.

If Pluralinput isn’t for you, TeamPlayer is a far more robust alternative. It also includes an old free version that is remarkably enough for essential use.

Now, what are the benefits of having multiple mice and keyboards? Read on to find out!

Benefits of Multiple Mice and Keyboards

There are two major advantages of using multiple mice and keyboards. Let’s take a look!

Control Your PC from Different Locations

Two keyboards/mice would be useful if you want to operate your PC from different locations.

But, for this to function, you must have a wireless keyboard/mouse or a keyboard/mouse with an extremely long cord.

Even when a cable keyboard/mouse is attached, the wireless mouse or keyboard will effortlessly link to your computer. After that, you can control your PC from anywhere in the house. If your PC is streaming to a wireless display, having another keyboard and mouse that can connect to your PC wirelessly will be a huge help.

Use Multiple Keyboards for Multi-Key Functions

A membrane keyboard (which we usually use) enables four keypresses together or simultaneously. In most circumstances, this is adequate. Nevertheless, if you are playing a multiplayer game (a split-screen game where both players are using the same keyboard), one keyboard will not suffice.

Luckily, if each person connects a keyboard, the PC will receive up to 4 key pushes from each participant. As a result, you’ll be capable of playing any game without stuttering or button collisions. You will not have an issue playing Tekken or Fifa with your friends while using multiple keyboards.

But, do remember that the computer cannot tell which keyboard is sending the information. To avoid this, just assign distinct command keys to each participant within the game.

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How to Know If It’s Time for a New Computer or Switching Some Parts Sat, 25 Dec 2021 20:18:42 +0000 Installing new programs and performing windows upgrades becomes more challenging as your PC ages. It takes more time to access existing apps, and the storage capacity may be limited. The question then arises, shall you improve your current setup or buy a new computer? Repairing your system can provide you with greater speed and storage capacity for a fraction of the price of a new PC. Still, you don’t need to put new parts in an old computer if it won’t give you the performance improvement you desire. Therefore, buying a new computer may be more suitable for you. Here, we help you figure out when you should change some parts of the PC, or if buying a new computer...

The post How to Know If It’s Time for a New Computer or Switching Some Parts first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
time for a new computer
Installing new programs and performing windows upgrades becomes more challenging as your PC ages. It takes more time to access existing apps, and the storage capacity may be limited. The question then arises, shall you improve your current setup or buy a new computer?

Repairing your system can provide you with greater speed and storage capacity for a fraction of the price of a new PC. Still, you don’t need to put new parts in an old computer if it won’t give you the performance improvement you desire. Therefore, buying a new computer may be more suitable for you.

Here, we help you figure out when you should change some parts of the PC, or if buying a new computer will be the better option.

When Should You Change Parts of Your Computer?

Is your computer displaying warning messages, running slowly, or powering off out of the blue? There may well be a variety of causes for this. Many of them are more significant than others. Let’s take a look!

Problem 1. Upgrading the Hardware Leads to Compatibility Issues

Updating RAM & switching to solid-state storage is usually among the initial stages in increasing a computer’s performance. But, updating the motherboard or CPU may result in compatibility difficulties.

You can find yourself in a scenario where you’ll need to change several or even all of the computer’s parts. The prices may be too high, and it may be preferable to purchase a new computer.

Problem 2. Shutting Down Unexpectedly

If your computer shuts off in the middle of an activity, it might be due to a power problem. Check your computer’s connection, then switch it on.

It might be an issue with the display. If you hear your PC operating but see nothing on your screen, reboot it and check if the problem occurs again. If you’ve determined that it isn’t one of these problems, you might have a hard disk problem. In most situations, this is an indication of a bigger, more complex issue.

Make a backup of the computer’s data and programs as quickly as possible, and take it to an expert for a checkup and PC repair service before you destroy your data.

Problem 3. Computer Temperature

Desktop PC overheating is typically caused by a combination of factors. Dust, if allowed to accumulate over time, can clog fans and lead the CPU or GPU to heat up.

Different applications running simultaneously on a PC may overload the fans and become noisy. If this occurs frequently, the fans may cease operating and become damaged.

Problem 4. Programs Starting or Running Slowly

On an outdated computer, programs may take much more time to load than usual. If you’re using the most recent version of a program, your aging hardware may struggle to keep up.

When installing the software, make sure it is compatible with your system. The component requirements are necessary to consider, although the bare minimum may not have been cut when using other applications on the PC.

Solution: Replacing Parts of Your Computer

Due to the above issues and some other problems, you can change/replace your PC parts. It will improve its performance and save you a few bucks along the way. The following components are a good place to start:

  • Processor or CPU: Whenever choosing which CPU to buy, keep both the model and the gigahertz (GHz) in mind. The greater the GHz, the speedier the processor.

    On the other hand, higher GHz means the CPU produces more energy. This might result in greater system temperatures necessitating improved ventilation or heat dissipation.

  • Memory (RAM): Increasing RAM is one of the quickest, simplest, and most cost-effective methods to build and boost the speed of the PC you are using.

    RAM is required for nearly every computer action. Your device will work efficiently by upgrading RAM, and apps will load faster.

  • Storage: Your data and files are kept on the hard disk for a long time. This information is stored on a hard disk drive (HDD) or a solid-state drive (SSD). Even though hard drives typically provide greater storage space, SSDs have rendered them obsolete: SSDs are about 6x faster and 90x more energy-efficient than HDDs. As a result, upgrading your hard drive to an SSD will be more advantageous to your PC.
  • Fans and power supply: If you want your PC to function well, you’ll need a robust power supply, as well as a casing with adequate internal ventilation and fans to remove hot air that may damage the computer.

When Should You Buy a New Computer?

It’s fairly tough to determine. Many of us learn to deal with our computers’ eccentricities, even to the level of embracing them. We understand which components work, which don’t, and when the USB connector has to be wiggled to connect properly.

As a result, we frequently struggle with equipment that is long past its prime. This does not have to be the case. Here are some indicators that will tell you that it’s time to buy a new computer.

Problem 1. You Can’t Install the Latest Operating System

Updates to operating systems are more vital and useful than ever. Each year, you’ll receive an update that resolves issues and introduced extra features.

However, the minimum system specs needed to execute it will undoubtedly rise with every update. Generally, you need well above the minimum specifications to run it well. Your machine will eventually become incapable of doing the task. So it’s time to switch to a new one!

Problem 2. You Can’t Run the Latest Apps and Games

Everybody understands that PC gaming is an expensive hobby. No matter how difficult you attempt to future-proof your PC, things will always need to be upgraded. Ultimately, you’ll have to face the bullet and purchase a completely new machine.

But it’s not only games that will put an old PC to the test. Professional software, such as Photoshop, have very small minimum requirements but require significantly more to get a reasonable degree of performance. For example, the minimum RAM required is 2GB, whereas Adobe recommends 8GB.

Problem 3. Your PC is Making Odd Noises

All gaming PCs create some sort of noise, whether from the fan, the CD drive, or the hard disk, but simply clicking, scraping, and other unusual noises weren’t the norm. In reality, it could indicate a failing hard drive.

Problem 4. Your Computer Has Hit Its Lifespan

Computers don’t live forever, and it does not matter if they’re custom-built. Your system may be operational, and it may even be enough for checking email. Still, if you’re having difficulty completing tasks or playing games, you need to buy a new one.

Solution for all these problems? Get a new PC!!


Simply because your computer has several flaws doesn’t imply you should get rid of it straight away. It is critical to be able to distinguish between a minor issue and a warning that your system is out of date.

Hopefully, by keeping these indicators in mind, you’ll be able to know when it’s time to say goodbye to your computer or to change some parts.

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What Influences CPU Performance Fri, 03 Dec 2021 19:31:24 +0000 Everything you use your computer for, from playing games to surfing for the hottest offers, there will always come the time when it behaves abruptly. When things move slowly, people often feel helpless to do anything about it. The majority of this is due to their lack of understanding of how their computer works. It is fitting that you spend a lot of money to buy the best CPU available in the market right now. However, the CPU may work only 10% better than the cheaper alternatives in lower tiers in certain use cases. In this article, we will help you to understand the CPU performance and what influences it. Factors Affecting CPU Performance CPU performance is influenced by a...

The post What Influences CPU Performance first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
what influences cpu performance
Everything you use your computer for, from playing games to surfing for the hottest offers, there will always come the time when it behaves abruptly.

When things move slowly, people often feel helpless to do anything about it. The majority of this is due to their lack of understanding of how their computer works.

It is fitting that you spend a lot of money to buy the best CPU available in the market right now. However, the CPU may work only 10% better than the cheaper alternatives in lower tiers in certain use cases.

In this article, we will help you to understand the CPU performance and what influences it.

Factors Affecting CPU Performance

CPU performance is influenced by a variety of variables. Understanding some of these aspects can aid you in making the best decisions possible while building your own computer.

Here are some major factors that influence CPU performance.

Clock Speed

Each CPU has an internal clock that supplies it with a functional rhythm. The Clock Speed, often known as the Clock Rate, demonstrates the speed with which the CPU can operate.

Depending on the CPU, this will be measured in gigahertz or megahertz. The measurement indicates how many instructions cycles the CPU processes per second.

For example, A 2 GHz CPU can execute two billion computations per second. The greater the clock speed, the quicker the CPU and the more heat created. If the clock rate slows down, it will affect the CPU, and the CPU will give a low performance.

Maximum clock speeds are preloaded in CPUs by default. You may, however, modify them by changing the computer’s BIOS.

Overclocking is the process of manipulating your clock speed to make it speedier than what has been advertised. And you can improve your CPU performance.

Learning more about overclocking, how to overclock a CPU and the requirements that can help get a better CPU remains essential for users looking to boost their computer’s performance.

Number of Cores

A CPU core is a processor that is present within the CPU. That’s where the CPU processes and executes the user’s set of instructions.

Since all current CPUs have several cores, each of these cores does multiple tasks simultaneously. The time it takes to connect with cache and RAM limits the CPU’s performance in a single-core processor. Waiting for storage accessing results consumes around 75% of CPU time.

Manufacturers have started introducing more multi-core devices to boost the performance of their CPUs. A CPU with several cores may perform noticeably better than a single-core CPU with the same clock speed.

Numerous cores enable PCs to execute multiple tasks at the same time more quickly, increasing efficiency when multitasking or under the requirements of high-end apps and software.


A cache is a tiny quantity of high-speed random-access memory (RAM) integrated directly into the CPU. It is being used to temporarily store information and instructions that are likely to be reused by the processor. The larger a processor’s cache, the less time it takes to wait for instructions to be retrieved.

Cache memory size differs substantially between older and modern systems. Cache capacities are generally measured in MBs, which is much less than RAM capacities which are commonly defined in GBs.

However, capabilities vary depending on the sort of architecture employed in a computer system. That’s because cache memory is more costly than RAM.

Cache memory, unlike RAM, cannot be readily increased or changed.

Types of Cache

Most current computers system has three layers of cache, with some adding a fourth. Cache memory serves as a means of transferring data and instructions from the slowest cache (L3/L4) to the sharpest cache (L1).

  • Level 1 cache: The smallest and sharpest cache, the L1 cache, is part of each core’s circuitry. Four L1 caches would be present in a quad-core CPU.
  • Level 2 cache: It is frequently shared between cores. It is slower than the L1 cache and has a bigger capacity. L2 cache, like L1 cache, is frequently an element of the core of modern systems.
  • Level 3 cache: It is weaker than the L2 cache, although it is bigger. It is located on or near the CPU on the motherboard.
  • Level 4 cache: it is seen in newer systems. This, like Level 3, is put on or beside the processor.


One of the most effective methods to improve PC performance is to remove malware. Malware, viruses, and spyware may watch your actions, take control of your system, and cause a lot of new problems that slow it down.

Anything undesirable and harmful will have a negative impact on performance, therefore invest in a strong antivirus to protect your computer from such threats.

It will significantly benefit you in the long term. Make sure you check your system a minimum of once a week to keep your antivirus up to date and eliminate any unwanted garbage that is harming your computer’s performance.


Bandwidth, also known as memory bandwidth, refers to the processor’s capacity to read and comprehend data from storage. It gauges the CPU’s pace in terms of how quickly it can collect and store data. This is commonly stated in gigabytes per second (GB/s).

Most CPUs nowadays can handle up to 40GB/s of bandwidth, which indicates that the higher the bandwidth, the quicker the CPU can read and store data.


As we continue to assign more tasks to our CPU, it will produce more heat, and it is one of the big problems of the CPU. The CPU cooler which comes with your computer is actually referred to as the stock CPU cooler. Most individuals can use it since their PC does not have a high load.

Suppose you use your computer for animation, gaming, design, or a large coding project. In that case, you may require a better cooling system. These often include a large heatsink that can keep your CPU cooler. It can also improve the performance of your CPU.

If you don’t set up the best CPU cooling system, it can cause some problems. For example, when CPUs get too hot, they might start acting strangely, such as throwing errors, locking up, or even burning up. Installing an insufficient cooling system can lead to a significant and very costly failure of your computer.

In short, if you use your PC for a big project and you also want a better CPU performance, then you will need a powerful CPU cooler so that your CPU will not be damaged.

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What is an eGPU? Is it Worth Buying? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:30:57 +0000 The notion of an external graphics card (eGPU) is now more of a widespread option as technology advances and customer expectations soar. For sure, a fully-equipped desktop computer will provide you with the best options when it comes to customizing your experience, but you can now upgrade your laptop to have the capability of a full-tower system. If you are using your laptop for gaming or work, you may find that you want a boost in performance that integrated graphics simply cannot deliver. That’s where an eGPU comes in handy. What is an eGPU? Is eGPU worth it? Is it too early to invest in one now? Let’s take a look. What is an eGPU? An eGPU, which stands for...

The post What is an eGPU? Is it Worth Buying? first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
what is an egpu
The notion of an external graphics card (eGPU) is now more of a widespread option as technology advances and customer expectations soar.

For sure, a fully-equipped desktop computer will provide you with the best options when it comes to customizing your experience, but you can now upgrade your laptop to have the capability of a full-tower system.

If you are using your laptop for gaming or work, you may find that you want a boost in performance that integrated graphics simply cannot deliver. That’s where an eGPU comes in handy.

What is an eGPU? Is eGPU worth it? Is it too early to invest in one now? Let’s take a look.

What is an eGPU?

An eGPU, which stands for external graphics processing unit, is an external graphics card that attaches to your device through a single wire. The power will then be transferred from your laptop’s internal GPU to the external graphics card.

A graphics processing unit (GPU) is the component of your device that creates the visuals on your screen. You may now have your graphics card reside outside of the casing and connect to the motherboard with a single wire, thanks to recent enhancements to device connectivity, such as the USB-C connection.

eGPUs works the best on systems that can’t take a traditional graphics card. Many low-cost PCs and laptops are sold without a graphics card.

How Do eGPUs Work?

In most circumstances, an external GPU will be connected via a dock. An external GPU port connects to your computer through a PCIe slot for the graphics card and commonly a Thunderbolt or USB-C cable.

Installing the card, drivers, restarting, and installing any custom software is all it takes to use a dock.

After you’ve set it up, your computer will send graphics requests to the external GPU rather than the one that came with your machine. Because laptops, on the whole, don’t have much graphical processing power, this technique should theoretically result in superior graphics performance.

Keep in mind that while you may utilize an external GPU on your desktop, laptops are far more prevalent. You gain more extraordinary graphics performance by using a larger, more powerful card. Perhaps even enough to play a few visually demanding games.

How eGPUs Look Today?

If you look at GPUs right now, you’ll see that they’re usually sold as enclosures. These are boxes that have a connection cable and dedicated power but don’t have a graphics card.

The product will display a list of compatible cards, allowing you to change them and select the one you wish to use. Some will even have several GPU compartments for even greater processing capacity.

As a result, selling an eGPU nowadays is more about selling a box for a graphics card than selling a graphics card in a box.

Is it Worth Buying an eGPU?

eGPUs are excellent at filling their niche. The issue is that the niche is far smaller than you may expect. If your laptop is having trouble playing the newest games, an eGPU might be able to help. A new PC, on the other hand, will do the same job as well.

As a result, anyone adopting an eGPU must weigh the benefits of doing so against the cost of purchasing new hardware.

There are, however, a few niches that meet the criteria. For example, suppose a buddy offers you their old GPU. In that case, you may use an eGPU case to connect it to a laptop without having to acquire all of the other components.

An eGPU is ideal if you want to utilize your laptop for graphically intense games. Instead of dragging around a heavy laptop designed exclusively for gaming, you may operate your machine as a portable device during the day. The eGPU will provide higher frame rates and smoother gameplay.

If you deal with special effects, editing, rendering, color grading, or animation, an eGPU is also a good choice. It can aid in the improvement of operations while also showing visuals of more excellent quality.

An eGPU can reduce the burden of updating technology by providing a significant power boost to laptops.

However, as previously stated, these are sporadic instances. It’s not about whether an eGPU performs a good job; it’s about if it’s the best match for the job. It’s worth investing in an eGPU if it’s the only option to reach your objectives. However, there is frequently a better and less expensive option that you may utilize instead.

External GPUs Are Only Going to Get Better

The Thunderbolt/USB-C bandwidth problem isn’t going away on its own. External GPU hardware and software will continue to develop, and external GPUs will almost certainly improve as well.

External GPUs have piqued the curiosity of many individuals. Hardware companies also want to get their GPUs into the hands of as many people as possible. As a result, they have a solid motivation to upgrade the technology continuously.

If you’re looking for an eGPU, the current lineup lets you mix and match graphics cards to customize your system. However, before you purchase one, think about if buying a new system would be a better option. After all, eGPUs are quite expensive.

If your computer already has a graphics card, and you want to figure out what’s slowing down its performance, you can do it by running a GPU stress test.


eGPU setups are a terrific option to enhance your outdated or lower-powered laptop with a GPU capable of rendering, gaming, and any other GPU-intensive activities you have in mind.

They are, nonetheless, exceptionally situational.

When you consider the entire expenditures of an eGPU system, it’s sometimes wiser to just save up and acquire a whole new laptop or desktop.

However, if you have the funds and a process that would benefit from it, an eGPU can boost your productivity significantly.

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How Long Does PSU Last? Sun, 07 Nov 2021 14:51:50 +0000 In a perfect world, your PC and its components would last as long as you need it, with the only incentive to upgrade is the increased performance. Life, however, isn’t always perfect. PC components wear out. Because replacement parts can be costly, it makes perfect sense to get the most out of each one you have. The essential thing you can do is keep your PC components in good working order. Good maintenance practices are the foundation and culmination of a long-lasting PC, especially when you construct it yourself. This post will discuss one of PC’s most essential components: a power supply unit (PSU). What is a PSU? How long does a PSU last? Read on to find out! What...

The post How Long Does PSU Last? first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
how long does psu last
In a perfect world, your PC and its components would last as long as you need it, with the only incentive to upgrade is the increased performance. Life, however, isn’t always perfect.

PC components wear out. Because replacement parts can be costly, it makes perfect sense to get the most out of each one you have.

The essential thing you can do is keep your PC components in good working order. Good maintenance practices are the foundation and culmination of a long-lasting PC, especially when you construct it yourself.

This post will discuss one of PC’s most essential components: a power supply unit (PSU). What is a PSU? How long does a PSU last? Read on to find out!

What is a PSU?

The power supply unit (PSU) of the computer converts the alternating current (AC) mains supply voltage, 220-240 volts, into various regulated, low voltage direct current (DC) outputs required by the computer’s components.

In some circumstances, a voltage selection switch may be included, allowing the user to pick a voltage based on their geographic region (the United States, for example, 120 volts).

A bunch of cables emanates from the front of the PSU within the box. The cables are frequently color-coded and grouped according to the type of device to which they will be attached.

Although the power supply unit has been used in a variety of forms in the past, some of which were rather large and massive, most desktop computers currently utilize power supplies that correspond to the standard ATX configuration. A typical power supply is depicted in the image below.

How Long Does a PSU Last?

We need to break things down into individual components to answer how long power supply units last properly. It will allow us to provide a comprehensive explanation.

Most people use power supplies until they fail. However, it is better to take action sooner rather than later to boost the odds of your PC running properly for longer. You can check what PSU do you have.

Every five years, a computer’s power supply should be replaced. A power source will most certainly become less efficient over this period, perhaps causing a device to become problematic.

The principal culprits are aged capacitors and other components, heat, power surges, and other mechanical pressures.

Like any other electronic equipment, power supply units are composed of a circuit board having components arranged and affixed on it.

A cooling fan keeps components cold inside the power supply’s metal housing, which is unusual for a power supply. Let’s discuss each component one by one.


Like semiconductors, this is arguably one of the most prevalent components that causes electronic problems. The capacitance value of these components changes as they age, affecting the efficiency of your power supply in comparison to its initial design.

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are the most often used capacitor in power supply. These capacitors are comprised of pure aluminum foil with a dielectric of aluminum oxide.

An electrolytic capacitor’s projected lifespan is a difficult topic to answer. The capacitor, however, can no longer give the appropriate capacitance value once the electrolytes have evaporated past a certain threshold.

Computer power supplies are tested, especially for gamers or other industries that require the computer to work hard for long periods of time. It means that the temperature at which capacitors function will most likely be more significant than in standard applications.

As a result, it is believed that the lifetime will be less than the average of 10 to 20 years.

Depending on the circuit design, when capacitor values start to deviate, other components such as semiconductors and resistors may run hotter. As a result, their life expectancy is reduced.


Another component whose value might change as it ages is the typical carbon resistor. Resistors can gradually rise in value when heat transfers from electrical to thermal.

Although this increase may not have the same detrimental effect as a capacitor, it can still produce anomalies, such as computer parts with a depleted supply, to name one example.

This deteriorating effect can be increased when a resistor’s power rating becomes too insufficient for the job at hand.

It can happen when circuits are constructed incorrectly and a value is chosen incorrectly, causing the component to have a reduced lifespan.

Integrated Circuits

The lifetime of integrated circuits varies. It’s due to a variety of factors. The length of time you can anticipate a component to endure is mainly determined by how hot it becomes over time.

A component like this might sometimes only survive a short time due to poor manufacturing standards. Reputable IC makers aid the cause, but they aren’t the primary factor in determining its longevity.

The longevity of an integrated circuit is affected by factors such as the circuit’s design. It determines how well a supply line is rounded, how steady a voltage supply line remains under varied situations, and how much load the IC must handle.

Integrated circuits have a very long life span under the right conditions.

Inductors, Transformers and Coil

Coils, inductors, and transformers are the most dependable components in a power supply unit.

Enamel-coated copper wires are wrapped around a plastic, ferrite, or magnetic core in coils, inductors, and transformers. Without a core, certain inductors wound with bigger gauge wire may be made and connected onto a PCB.

Unless they have been physically damaged, they are not the most probable components to cause a computer’s power supply to fail.

Cooling Fans

When a cooling fan in a power supply unit stops operating, its lifespan is significantly reduced.

When fans grow old, the bearing inside them might stop working. The fan will either not spin at all or will spin extremely slowly. This is the worst-case situation, and as fans age, they frequently get noisier and use more power.

However, if the fan slows down sufficiently, cooling for the power supply may be affected. A cooling fan’s typical lifespan is roughly three and a half years.


There are a lot of factors to consider when determining how long does PSU lasts. Given the unpredictability of some components, determining dying power supply signs is hugely challenging.

Some components, such as capacitors, may begin to degrade after five years and will no longer perform as effectively as they once did.

While the power supply may function normally, the typical user will be unaware of the system’s lesser effects.

Given the low cost of a computer power supply in most computers, replacing it with a new one appears to be a wise move.

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Are Power Cuts and Surges Dangerous for The PC? And How To Protect Your PC Sun, 19 Sep 2021 18:07:39 +0000 If your device is not adequately secured, a power outage might cause serious harm. The damage is generally caused by the sudden power loss and the potential power surges connected with it, rather than the fact that the device does not get any power during the outage. If you shut down your device before a scheduled power outage for line repair, for example, your machine is not at risk. Did you consider how much harm a power loss may cause a device while you were booting it back up? What about the feared power surge, the opposite of a power outage? Are they potentially dangerous to your computer? Let’s look at what happens during both, how it impacts your device,...

The post Are Power Cuts and Surges Dangerous for The PC? And How To Protect Your PC first appeared on Techs Motion.]]>
are power cuts and surges dangerous for the pc
If your device is not adequately secured, a power outage might cause serious harm. The damage is generally caused by the sudden power loss and the potential power surges connected with it, rather than the fact that the device does not get any power during the outage.

If you shut down your device before a scheduled power outage for line repair, for example, your machine is not at risk.

Did you consider how much harm a power loss may cause a device while you were booting it back up? What about the feared power surge, the opposite of a power outage? Are they potentially dangerous to your computer?

Let’s look at what happens during both, how it impacts your device, and how to avoid harm to address these issues.

Are Power Outages Dangerous?

When a computer’s continuous power supply is disrupted, its features lose the ability to function.

This generally happens when there is an issue at a power plant or inside the home’s network, such as a tripped fuse. It turns off the whole machine, regardless of where it was in its operations.

Shutting down a computer is generally barely noticeable – after all, we do it regularly! That isn’t to claim it’s completely risk-free, though.

Data corruption is the most common problem induced by a power loss. If a power outage occurs while you’re saving changes to a file, it’ll be locked in the middle of saving forever. It may cause some of the data in the file to be corrupted or render it unusable.

When you’re revising a shopping list, this isn’t a big deal. Suppose you’re working on a critical business document or storing critical system file changes. In that case, it might result in a loss of data or even leave the operating system useless until it’s rectified.

Protection Against It

Switching to a laptop instead of a computer if you’re frequently experiencing power outages is one of the most beneficial things you can do. You can also look to choose a power supply that is suitable for your device.

You won’t lose data if there is a power outage since the laptop will automatically switch to battery power. When you live in a neighborhood with intermittent electricity, laptops are the best option.

If a computer is required for your task, an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) might be used instead. These act as backup batteries for your computer, ensuring that you have power after a power outage.

The batteries aren’t meant to keep your computer running for an extended period. Still, they allow you enough time to instruct it to shut down and prevent your work from being corrupted.

Why Are Storm Surges So Dangerous?

A power surge is far more dangerous than a power outage since it has the ability to corrupt data or fry your device. These generally occur after a power outage or as a result of a thunderbolt striking the electrics.

Every electrical gadget in your house has a limit on how much power it can handle. When it’s plugged into a socket, and the socket is turned on during a power surge, the gadget is bombarded with an electrical charge it can’t handle.

If the power surge is minor, it may result in some extra heat or electric arcs, which damage the device’s components over time.

If it’s a strong one, the power surge will completely fry any part it comes into contact with.

When it comes to your computer, the first component that a surge will strike is the power supply, which is where electricity enters your system. Only the power supply may be damaged or destroyed if the power surge is small enough if the power supply is composed of high-quality components.

If it isn’t, the surge might continue through the power supply and into the main computer, causing serious difficulties.

As we know that the computer components are not designed to withstand voltages outside their operating range, a large power surge will likely destroy them. It’s very uncommon for power surges to make motherboards, CPUs, and graphics cards completely unusable.

This is why surge protection is so critical for expensive computers; a single surge may quickly kill a computer.

Protection Against It

If a thunderstorm is approaching your home and you’re concerned about electrical lines being damaged, switch off all gadgets and disconnect them as quickly as possible. Unplugged items are not affected by power surges!

Also, if at all possible, consider purchasing a surge protector. These protect your components from power surges and are typically very inexpensive or at least less expensive than a new computer.


Both power outages and power surges can harm a device in various ways and to varying degrees of severity. You now understand how each one occurs, how they might harm a device, and how to prevent them from happening.

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