MiscMisc: Guides

iOS vs Android: Who is Winning?

iOS vs Android is a debate that’s been going on for almost a decade now. A controversial subject – with equally compelling points on both sides – which is why today we are going to explore this debate in objective terms rather than subjective ones. Read on to learn…
MiscMisc: Guides

USB 3.0, 3.1, Gen 1, Gen 2 Explained

USBs (short for Universal Service Bus) have connected the whole world. Their popularity burgeoned them onto the global market a little over a decade ago when the introduction of the USB 3.0 made the technology accessible and extremely beneficial for personal and professional…
MiscMisc: Guides

Battery Types to be Aware Of

Batteries are stronger than cells because they consist of a collection of cells, and are hence used when high amounts of power are required. These cells then undergo certain chemical reactions within the collective circuit of the battery, and a good amount of energy is…
MiscMisc: Guides

What Is E Ink and How it Works

Traditionally, tablets have had LCD screens, and eReaders have had screens enabled with something called E Ink. Those who know about their eReaders might already know what makes an E Ink display unique. To put it in very plain terms, E Ink is an electronic technology through…
MiscMisc: Guides

Which Tablet OS Should You Choose?

Just like how operating systems handle a computer’s most basic functions, the operating systems for phones and tablets are the software that essentially makes them ‘work’. Because mobile phones and tablets (which is what we will be discussing) usually have limited…