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How to Hide your Active Status on Instagram?

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Instagram, as well as other Social Media networks, is generally a positive thing that lets you stay in contact with your friends and family, share your experiences with other people, use it for business promotion, and so on. They offer so many opportunities to each user.

However, there are also some functions that can annoy you and create unwanted situations, and one such thing is your Instagram Active Status that shows all your followers you are online. Of course, in general, that isn’t something bad. Nonetheless, sometimes you just want to have the time for yourselves and scroll through the Instagram posts, without the hassle and constant replying to messages or calls, and the best way to manage that is by hiding your Instagram Active Status.

How to Hide your Active Status on Instagram

Hiding your Instagram Active Status is an operation that shouldn’t take too much of your time, yet should let you have the time for yourself and prevent feeling guilty, or being called out because you didn’t reply to a certain call or message, and requires the following:

How to Hide your Active Status on Instagram App

If you are accessing your Instagram over the dedicated app, the whole process of hiding your Active Status consists of the following steps:

  1. First, enter the Instagram app.
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  3. After that, go to Profile

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    and enter Menu (three lines in the top-right corner).

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  5. Once you do that, enter Settings

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    and then go to Privacy.

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  7. Enter Activity Status

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    and turn the toggle next to Active Status to off and that is it. Your job is done.

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How to Hide your Active Status on Instagram when Accessing it through a Browser

Hiding your Instagram Active Status, when you are accessing Instagram thorough a browser is somewhat similar to the previous approach, used on the dedicated app, and includes the following steps:

  1. To begin with, enter Instagram from your browser.
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  3. Go to the Menu

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    and select Settings.

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  5. Enter Privacy and Security,

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    uncheck the box next to Show Activity Status, and there you go.

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About author

Miodrag Matović is a tech geek who loves writing about everything related to computers. He’s a graduate graphic designer, but found his passion elsewhere. In his free time, he likes to spend time with his family, dance with his wife, and put together new computers.

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