How ToMiscMisc: How To

How to Improve Cables Longevity

Electrical cables and wires serve as the foundation of every industrial setting or factory. Suppose cables fail or are disrupted, even for a few moments. In that case, the entire system comes to a standstill, resulting in significant downtime and loss. Furthermore, sensitive…
How ToMiscMisc: How To

How to Save a Webpage as a PDF?

Saving a webpage today is a straightforward process that requires only a few moments of your time. Also, if you like the page, you can always bookmark it and access it whenever you like. However, there are also occasions when bookmarking, or traditional webpage saving will…
How ToMiscMisc: How To

How to Delete Downloads on Android?

Digital files are becoming larger and larger with time. This is simply because they are bringing better resolutions, better sound quality, additional features – in general, a much better experience, which is great. However, constant downloading of the files will eventually…
How ToMiscMisc: How To

How to Use Green Screen

With the way technology has advanced to bring high-quality cameras to your cellphone, you wouldn’t be surprised to realize that what was once cutting-edge technology, the use of a green screen, is something you can now have fun with at home or even use to spice up your…
How ToMiscMisc: How To

How to Use Your Phone as a Webcam

At some point you may have wondered, “Can I use my phone as a webcam?” And if so, how? Also, why would you even want to, right? Well, webcams can be expensive, and maybe you already have an old phone lying around that has a good enough camera. All else aside, sometimes…