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How To Properly Dry Your Electronics (Without Rice)

how to dry electronics

Even though we all know it is not great to drop electronic gadgets in liquid, we are human beings, and we make mistakes. So, the wetting of electronic devices sometimes happens.

Dropping a smartphone or tablet into the water, or dumping a bottle of water or cup of coffee on a laptop, can make it worthless (if it is not waterproof). It also makes you feel uneasy about the files stored on such systems. However, few individuals are prepared for what will undoubtedly occur.

Water damage is amongst the most prevalent risks to portable electronics. Still, you can often recover devices if you dry them off correctly. This article discusses several strategies for preserving water-damaged electronic gadgets.

What to Do When Your Electronic Device Gets Wet

Moisture is one of the most dangerous enemies of electronic gadgets. Unfortunately, considering the increasing mobility and popularity of cellphones, cameras, and tablet PCs, it is all but guaranteed that each of your essential electronic gadgets will have a fateful meeting with H2O at some point in the future.

If your gadget falls into water, there’s a good chance (roughly 70%) that you’ll be capable of drying it out and getting it back to function in a matter of hours. It won’t be quick in most circumstances, so you’ll have to be prepared to make a mess. However, you may avoid a trip to the electronics store by replacing it yourself.

Here’s how to get damp cellphones, cameras, and other electrical gadgets to dry:

Basic Rescue Steps

Although the drying methods for cellphones, laptops, cameras, and tablet PCs differ in certain aspects, the general approach for any of them after substantial touch with water or other fluid is the same.

Here’s what to do:

  • As soon as possible, get it out of the water. Water begins leaking into the hardware of an unsecured device in less than thirty seconds.
  • Remove the battery from the device. It is more prone to be destroyed by water than the actual gadget because it is the source of power.
  • If at all feasible, unplug the memory & SIM cards. Since your data is often saved on them rather than on your computer or phone, you’ll want to safeguard them.
  • Remove any chargers, headsets, and other devices which may be connected to the device.
  • Keep an eye out for symptoms of water damage. In the case of phones, a liquid damage indicator has been installed on the interior near the battery. You may have water damage if it’s a solid color (typically red or pink).

Drying the Device

The procedure varies slightly depending on the device. Still, the majority of the steps are the same whether you’re using an MP3 player or a tablet:

  • Remove the water. Shake it out gently, avoid throwing it, and use a cloth and paper towels to absorb as much of the leftover water as you can.
  • Try using a can of pressurized gas. Spray the can straight ahead to expel just air, not the freezing liquid. Aim it towards the keys, crevices, speaker, microphone, or any holes to drive extra liquid out.
  • Dry the item in a warm location, turning it on every several hours. A bright windowsill will suffice. Do not use an oven, hairdryer, or heat gun to heat the device because these electronic heating elements can damage it.
  • You can encourage or quicken up the water evaporation process by directing a fan at the damaged gadget.

Use Q-tips with Alcohol

If water gets stuck in tiny components of the device, soak a Q-tip in alcohol and apply this to the affected areas.

Alcohol will increase evaporation, which occurs when the gadget is left out in the open air. It will operate well for the internal components of several electronic devices which have circuit boards.

Use Desiccants

Regrettably, many individuals employ techniques for curing wet devices that are either inefficient or may cause the gadget to be damaged. For example, because dried grains like rice may absorb liquids, many individuals use them to dry out a gadget as a desiccant.

On the other hand, rice is generally efficient at collecting moisture from the atmosphere but might not be of much use.

Furthermore, because heat causes water to evaporate, individuals have occasionally cooked their gadgets in ovens or even with hairdryers, resulting in burned parts and fried circuits.

Check Your Device

Re-insert the device’s original, now-dry battery after 24 hours and check whether it turns on. You’re back in business if it succeeds!

Change the battery, insert the charger into the gadget, and switch it on if it doesn’t work. If it works now, you’ll need to replace the battery.

Waterproof Your Gadget

There are several methods for waterproofing your technology.

  • Purchase a waterproof case or bag. Cases are classified into three types: standard, tough, and heavy-duty. Keep an eye on the submersion factor, which indicates how many feet underwater the case can be submerged for at least 10 minutes.
  • Zippered plastic storage bags are ideal. This genuinely low-tech alternative protects your gadget from water as well as other environmental risks like sand, grime, or dust.
  • Choose custom-fit bags. Try a device that is meant to tightly fit your phone and enable you to keep it in your bag while chatting for a little enhanced experience. The same holds for the use of headphones and other external devices.


When combining summertime fun with electronics, water damage is a risk. Even though there are some really good headphones for swimming available, be aware of your surroundings. Most gadgets are not waterproof. So, avoid carrying your devices near the pool or even other bodies of water.

If you find yourself in this accident, responding quickly and trying to follow the steps outlined above will give you the best chance of saving your device.

About author

A finance major with a passion for all things tech, Uneeb loves to write about everything from hardware to games (his favorite genre being FPS). When not writing, he can be seen in his natural habitat reading, studying investments, or watching Formula 1.
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