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How to Print Text Messages from Android

how to print text messages from android 8

Messaging on your Android device and the versatility that it brings is one of the best sides of Android and smart devices in general. However, that versatility doesn’t include the built-in function that would allow for easy text message printing, and if you require something like that, you will have to use some of the multiple workarounds that will be presented in this text.

How to Print Text Messages from Android

Printing your text messages from the Android device isn’t that much a straightforward process, yet, it can be managed in multiple ways, and here, you are going to be introduced to a couple of them.

How to Print Text Messages from Android with Print Screen Function

If you want to print your Android device text messages and want to manage that as fast as possible, without installing additional apps, printing messages with the help of the Print Screen Function and already installed Google Cloud Print is the thing for you, and it demands the following:

  1. First, make a screenshot of the messages that you want to save (this is usually done by simultaneous pressing of volume-down and overview button on your phone).
  2. how to print text messages from android 1

  3. Find it in your folders

    how to print text messages from android 2

    and go to the Share icon.

  4. how to print text messages from android 3

  5. Once you open it, find your shared printer, and tap it when you see it.
  6. how to print text messages from android 4

  7. Do the setup in the newly opened cloud printer window,

    how to print text messages from android 5

    go to print, and your job is done.

  8. how to print text messages from android 6

How to Print Text Messages from Android with Your Phone Companion app

In the case you own a Windows 10 based computer and want to try out another easy way to print your Android device messages, these are the steps that you should follow.

  1. To begin with, you need to install Your Phone Companion for Android, on your Android,

    how to print text messages from android 8

    and Your Phone Windows app on your PC.

  2. how to print text messages from android 7

  3. After that, open the app on both devices and follow the instructions on them in order to sync them.
  4. how to print text messages from android 9

  5. Once you do that, enter the Messages section on your PC app

    how to print text messages from android 10

    and find the messages that should be printed.

  6. how to print text messages from android 11

  7. Make screenshots of them and then, print them in an old-fashioned way with the help of the PC’s installed printer.
About author

Miodrag Matović is a tech geek who loves writing about everything related to computers. He’s a graduate graphic designer, but found his passion elsewhere. In his free time, he likes to spend time with his family, dance with his wife, and put together new computers.
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